please do not ask me to turn you. i will not turn or kill anyone who asks me to. this is for all of the humans that want to be a vampire. it's not easy turning into one, also it is not easy being one.
lets talk about becoming a vampire.
the number one rule is, never have a human with you when you do this. NO HUMAN must know what your doing.
for this you'll need 6 items.....
1 - 2 cups / bowls
2 - vampire blood (about 1/4 cup) (make sure it is no more than 12 hours old)
3 - your blood (about 1/4 cup) (make sure it is no more than 12 hours old)
4 - human blood (about 1 cup) (CAN NOT be your own blood or a family members) (make sure it is no more than 12 hours old)
5 - a full moon (has to be on a clear night)
6 - safe house (a room / house / cabin somewhere you can stay for 3-5 days, also somewhere were no one can hear you scream)
so you have everything to become a vampire
here are the steps (if you do not do any of these steps or mess it up in anyway, it will not work)
1 -you have to do all of this under the full moon (has to be on a clear night). DO NOT start anything until the "witching hour" (midnight - 3pm) or the "devil's hour" (3pm) these two times is when the full moon is at its strongest.
2 - now take one of your cups / bowls, and poor in your blood (about 1/4 cup), next poor in the vampire blood (about 1/4 cup) (MAKE SURE THE HUMAN BLOOD DOES NOT MIX WITH YOUR, OR THE VAMPIRE BLOOD AT ANYTIME)
3 - now hold the mix blood up to the moon for 10 seconds, then drink it all (you must drink it all or it will be all for nothing, and you'll have to wait until the next full moon)( you may also feel sick, do not worry that is normal, just try and not throw up the mix blood or you'll have to wait until the next full moon)
4 - now you have to wait 10 - 15 mins. while your waiting, take the human blood and move it 20 - 30 feet away from you. then move back to the same spot you were just in. ( if your doing this with a vampire, the vampire will do this for you.)
5 - wait under the full moon until you smell blood. when you smell the human blood, go to it and drink it.
6 - now if you have do all of this right, nothing can stop you for becoming a vampire.
7 - this step 8 is the hardest step of all, you must get to your safe house as fast as you can (you have to get to your safe house less than 30 mins)
8 - when you get to your safe house sit in the middle of the floor, and wait for the transformation to happen. this will take about 3 - 5 days, during this time your skin will burn ( take a lighter and burn your hand, that's what it fells like for 3 - 5 days) also your teeth, skull and ribcage with break apart and rearrange themselves ( get a hammer and hit yourself in the ribcage as hard as you can, that is what it fells like for 3 - 5 days ) also your insides move around alot but don't worry that does not hurt that much. and the last thing will happen to you is, your screaming. you'll scream so loud, and so long you'll screw up you vocal cords,( here is a tip for you, when your vocal cords start to bleed, try really hard to chock on you own blood until you kill yourself, that should safe you a few hours of pain. then you'll only have 2-4 days left.)
it has been 3-5 days later, and now your a vampire.
i was going to say what it's like being a vampire, but this is getting pretty long so i think i'll wait until next time.